Thyme Herbs

Thyme Herbs

Thyme Herbs   Thyme herbs belong to the family of Lamiaceae, of the genus of Thymus. herbs have numerous types with different health benefits and use ranging from medicine to culinary arts. so It is a perennial shrub with a thin woody base and square stems. It...
Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale

Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale

Prickly pear seed oil in bulk   Prickly pear seed oil First of all, Prickly pear seed Oil is a natural oil extracted from seeds of fruit Opuntia ficus Indica cactus. This cactus grows up to 2 meters high and needs little water. They thrive in hot and dry regions...

Prickly pear seed oil in bulk

Prickly pear seed oil in bulk   Prickly pear seed oil First of all Prickly pear Seed Oil is a natural oil extracted from seeds of fruit Opuntia ficus Indica cactus. This cactus grows up to 2 meters high and needs little water. They thrive in hot and dry regions –...
Prickly Pear Seed Oil factory

Prickly Pear Seed Oil factory

Prickly Pear Seed Oil factory Prickly Pear Seed Oil : First of all Prickly Pear Seed Oil factory is a natural oil extracted from seeds of fruit Opuntia ficus Indica cactus. This cactus grows up to 2 meters high and needs little water. They thrive in hot and dry...
Thyme essontail oil

Thyme essontail oil

Thyme essontail oil   pungent herb of the mint family known for the aroma and flavor of its dried leaves and flowering tops. Thyme is native to Eurasia and is cultivated throughout the world. It is used to flavor a wide range of foods , including poultry ,stuffing’s ,...