Avocado Oil
Avocados are super healthy and rich in good fats and antioxidants. Just like the fruit, the extracted oil is rich in nutrients and fats as well. The oil is basically extracted from the pulp of the avocado which is full of oleic acid. The oil has high smoke point which makes it the best option for high-heat cooking. Avocado oil is considered to be one of the healthiest food choices due to its quality taste and health benefits.

It contains 12% saturated fats and 13% polyunsaturated fats. Moreover, the oil also helps to reduce the blood cholesterol level thus preventing various harmful heart diseases. It also consists of an important carotenoid “Lutein” which protects our eyes from cataracts and muscular degeneration. Unsaponifiables found in the oil of avocados have found to be effective in reducing inflammation and stiffness that arises due to the osteoarthritis. Furthermore, it protects the cartilage from the breaking, facilitating the arthritic patients. It also helps to enhance the absorption of nutrients and key vitamins in the body.
Avocado oil can be used in place of other vegetable oils, butter or margarine. It can also be applied directly on the skin as well. For healthy effects, it can be added into normal diets and salads and for smooth and healthy skin/hair, it can be directly applied as well.
Where to Buy?
BioProGreen Morocco specializes in the bulk production of a variety of vegetable and essential oils. We offer worldwide export services in all types of packaging and containers to assist our valued customers. BioProGreen Morocco has the best natural avocado which can be custom designed by our design team. Discounts are available based upon the quantity. So, if you want to buy natural avocado oil, BioProGreen Morocco is the best option to avail amazing discounts and offers.
About vegetable :
Either you drizzle, splash or pour them. And Vegetable oils have become an inevitable part of our life. But Not only they are loaded with many health doles but they also aid us to gain many beauty goals. And At BioProGreen Morocco we have an extensive range of unadulterated pure vegetable oils. So We have been taking several nutritional gains from the vegetables and the oils we extract from them. And Providing you with the natural health and beauty benefits of vegetable oils in the most natural manner is the main emphasis of our company. So BioProGreen Morocco has devoted itself to deliver natural and authentic products to its customers.
If we plunge into the benefits associated with vegetable oils, then there is a lot to say. But Not only do they possess the health benefits but also provide us with various skin benefits. And BioProGreen Morocco is a prominent brand when it comes to natural vegetable oils. We have the most extensive supply chain and worldwide customer chain. So our vegetable oils range from legendary coconut oil to flaxseed, Sunflower oil, and much more. And With a team of highly dedicated professionals, So BioProGreen Morocco works impeccably hard to provide to its customers some of the paramount products.
Let the vegetable oil take the health command:
We all are well aware of the health benefits associated with vegetable oils. So BioProGreen Morocco presents itself as the gratified distributor of vegetable oils. And Have these highly nutritive oils in your daily diet and see the transformation for yourself.
Source of healthy fatty acids:
BioProGreen Morocco Safflower, Hemp, Rapeseed oil, avocado, and flaxseed oil are the source of omega 6 fatty acids also known as Linoleic acid which helps in the prevention of heart diseases. So Furthermore, any nut oil will not only provide you with the required unsaturated fatty acids but also fill in the required vitamin E deficiency. And Keeping in mind the incredible health benefits associated with nut oils BioProGreen Morocco has every type of nut oil.
Your ultimate beauty partner:
Vegetable oils are the key to beautiful and youthful skin. And We have with us jojoba, Neem, and castor oil for hair growth. So If you want your skin to be healthy, then use the wide range of vegetable oils provided by BioProGreen Morocco. And These oils not only hydrate your skin but also works magically to remove the wrinkles, fine, and other signs of aging.
Have your favorite vegetable oils in the desired packing:
Either you are a wholesaler, retailer or a homemaker BioProGreen Morocco will provide the required oil in whichever amount you demand. And We present ourselves as the proud dealers of a humongous variety of extremely healthy vegetable oils. But We not only provide it in individual packing but also ship in bulk. And All you have to do is to place an order with BioProGreen Morocco precisely mention the quantity you required. So We will provide it to you promptly and swiftly.
Some of the amazing vegetable oils we have with us:
So we have with us the following highly nutritious and naturally extracted vegetable oils.
- Aloe Vera Concentrated Extract Aloe Vera Oil
- Sweet Almond Oil
- Avocado Oil, Borage Oil, And Cade Oil
- Safflower Oil, Coconut Oil, And Rapeseed Oil
- Hemp Oil
- Wheat Germ Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Flaxseed Oil
- Macadamia Oil
- Corn Oil, Neem Oil, And Black Seed Oil
- Nuts including Walnut Oil And Apricot Kernels Evening Primrose Oil
- Palm Oil
- Pumpkin Seed Oil And Grape Seed Oil
- Pistachio, Castor, And Rosehip Seed Oil
Sesame Oil Refined, Virgin Sesame Oil/, Soya Oil and Refined Sunflower Oil
Oriental Group
N°200 Lot Elmassar,Sidi Ghanem Industrial Estate
Route de Safi,
40 000 Marrakech,
Tel: +212664511967
MOB : +212600604387
Contact Us:
Website: https://www.bioprogreen.com/en/